Review by Edan
Title: Murder on the Prowl (A Mrs. Murphy Mystery #6)
Author: Rita Brown and Sneaky Brown
Publisher: Bantam
Published: 1999
Quick Summary:
In the town of Cozet, Virginia, "Harry" Haristeen lives alone with her intelligent tabby cat, Mrs. Murphy, her corgi, Tee Tucker and her fat cat, Pewter. In this small town, everyone knows everyone and soon a false obituary appears in the paper for Roscoe Fletcher, the principal of St. Elizabeth's, the local high school. The town is flipped upside down as people wonder if it is a warning or joke. A few weeks later, another false obituary winds up in the newspaper for one of Roscoe Fletchers best friends, a old Hollywood star. Murders begin taking place all around town, yet everything seems to surround the school in unexpected ways. Mrs. Murphy and her furry friends dive into these murders and try to find ways to lead Harry and the humans to this blood thirsty killer.
I hadn't read any of the other book of this series, but loved this one all the same. I tried picking up another Mrs. Murphy from earlier in the series and didn't like how some people were missing and things were different. I have started reading the book after this one and am enjoying it much more. There are so many characters in these books, I had a hard time figuring out who was who in the beginning, but luckily they included a character cast. By the end of this book and the start of the next, I understood the major characters who stay in most of the stories. Mrs. Murphy and her friends add another aspect to these mysteries. All the animals speak to one another and understands the humans, yet the humans don't understand them. Being cats and dogs, they can get away with listening in and going places other people wouldn't be able to do. Only a true cat lover could add some comments and complaints that the cats make. Me, being a devote cat owner, found the cats very funny and lifelike. Any cat owner would like these books. I personally am not very fond of mystery books, but I love these fascinating, funny, thrilling and enthralling mysteries.
Rating: *****
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